Jamie is a no BS trainer who doesn’t sugar coat anything and has so much passion and heart when it comes to meeting your personal goals because she cares so much!
First off I want to let everyone know how AMAZING Jamie is – she is a beautiful woman inside and out. That being said, I will give you my testimony and I will try to make this as short as possible but no promises ;).
I was a “cardio queen” before I met Jamie, doing at least two hours of cardio per day, 6-7 days a week, and at the time I thought I was eating healthy, so I was skinny fat, lol! I was very interested in competing in bikini but had no idea where to start and what to do. A girlfriend of mine introduced me to Jamie over a year and a half ago. I started asking her every question under the sun about bikini – she was super patient with me and answered all my questions. Right then and there I knew I wanted her to be my coach.
We met to have a consultation, where she asked me a ton of questions and was very thorough, making sure she covered every angle. After all was said and done she said, “do you have a life?” because of all the cardio I was doing. She also said, “you are not eating enough” which in my books I thought I was but then again I knew NOTHING about nutrition. I was immediately put on a CUSTOM plan both meal and working out. We drastically reduced my cardio, focused on lifting heavy and ate A LOT more food. She also reduced my workouts to only 4 days a week… a big change from the 6-7 days I was spending in the gym! Jamie also told me my metabolism was likely damaged from how I was eating and working out in the past and she was bang on.
When I started in Oct 2012 I was at 148 lbs with very little muscle and a non-existent metabolism. My body was not happy with me at first with all the new changes and by Jan 2013, I was at 167lbs. I completely trusted Jamie because she said we can get it back on track but would take time, patience and consistency to heal and be healthy FIRST, so I plugged away and stayed committed to the plan. I had to give a very detailed feedback form every 2 weeks, with measurements, weight and also how I felt physically, mentally, if I was energetic or tired, etc. so she could adjust my meal plan or workouts accordingly to my goal.
Jamie has taught me so much in the last year and a half about nutrition, weights, patience and consistency. I went on to compete in my first bikini show, ABBA Muscle Beach Bodybuilding on Oct 12, 2013 in Edmonton at the Winspear Theatre and out of 47 women in my class alone I placed 4th!!!! I am so thrilled of my placing and now I move on to compete in Provincials June 21, 2014!!! Might I add, the day of my comp I weighed in at 133 lbs. There were no magic tricks – she kept me eating the same foods right up to the show, and at most, I was at the gym 5 days a week. Never taking away a carb or fat, the key truly is consistency and I have had zero rebound after show. We are now building more muscle and working towards the next show! Like Jamie says “less is more.” My plan now is only 4 days in the gym with a few short cardio sessions and LOTS of good, healthy food!
I am so grateful to have crossed paths with this beautiful lady. I HIGHLY recommend her to all my friends, family, clients and to anyone reading this. Jamie is a no BS trainer who doesn’t sugar coat anything and has so much passion and heart when it comes to meeting your personal goals because she cares so much!