Jessica Johnson

I am ready to live healthy on my own because of the tools, positive attitude and motivation Jamie provided me with. I am finally breaking free of thinking that I’m doing it for someone else and I will  forever be thankful for that!

I definitely found this challenge to be harder then I expected, but at the same time the changes that I have felt within myself and that I can see made it all worth it! I did not reach my goals, but I did surpass others that I didn’t even know I had. The most important thing is that I am finally happy when I look in the mirror, not only with how I look, but with who I am!

I am ready to live healthy on my own because of the tools, positive attitude and motivation you’ve provided me with. I am finally breaking free of thinking that I’m doing it for someone else and I will honestly forever be thankful for that!

From doing the 12 week challenge, you’ve shown me what an amazing person you are and not just how you kill it in the gym! I’m honored to be able to say that I have trained with you and hope to again in the future.